Mgr. Michaela MARTINKOVÁ, Ph.D.

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Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

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Křížkovského 10


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Monday 13:30–15:00 3.19 or by appointment at Zoom meeting can be arranged.
Martinková M., Janebová M. English or Czech Venitive Verbs in Contrast: Deictic or not. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 2024.
Janebová M., Martinková M. On similative demonstratives in Czech and English. Evidence from corpora. Languages in Contrast. 2023.
Martinková M., Calle Bocanegra R., Kos P. Zpráva o konferenci Španělské asociace pro kognitivní lingvistiku AELCO 2022. Časopis pro moderní filologii. 2023.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Unique Items and Parallel Corpora: Evidence from Czech. CLINA. 2019.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Wordplay Based on Lexical Ambiguity in the British Sitcom Yes Minister and Its Czech Translations. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2017.
MARTINKOVÁ M. I wish you would, I wish I could: a corpus-based study of sentences with wish. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2011.
Martinková M. Some Notes on Respecting FSP in Czech Translations from English. Linguistica Pragensia. 2001.
MARTINKOVÁ M. Subject-operator inversion in sentences with fronted only. In Trušník R., Němčoková K., Bell GJ. (Eds.) Theories and Practice. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on English and American Studies. 2011.
Martinková M. Genitiv po neurčitých kvantifikátorech v češtině: singulár, nebo plurál? Výuka cizích jazyků: Integrace a testování. 2009.
Martinková M. Using linguistic corpora in teaching Czech genitives after quantifiers to English native speakers. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC),. 2008.
Martinková M. Spatial Concepts in Wide and Broad. In . (Eds.) Theory and Practice in English Studies. Volume 3. 2005.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Macháček J., Selucká I. Ivan Poldauf: Collected Papers. Volume III (English Papers). 2021.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J., Pauková I. Ivan Poldauf: Sebrané spisy. Svazek II (1961–1977). 2018.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Lapshinova-Koltunski E. Contrasting English and Other Languages through Corpora. 2017.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J., Selucká I. Ivan Poldauf: Sebrané spisy. Svazek I (1940–1960). 2016.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J. Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Martinková M. Language Rerflected Properties of Space: the Case of Wide and Broad. Language Rerflected Properties of Space. 2005.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Volker G. Czech type nouns: Evidence from corpora. Type noun constructions in Slavic, Germanic and Romance languages. Semantics and pragmatics on the move. 2023.
Janebová M., Martinková M. NP-Internal Kind of and Sort of: Evidence from an English-Czech Parallel Translation Corpus. In Janebová M., Martinková M., Lapshinova-Koltunski E. (Eds.) Contrasting English and Other Languages through Corpora. 2017.
Martinková M., Janebová M. What English Translation Equivalents Can Reveal about the Czech ‘Modal’ Particle prý: A Cross-Register Study. In Aijmer K., Lewis D. (Eds.) Contrastive Analysis of Discourse-pragmatic Aspects of Linguistic Genres. 2017.
Martinková M. Vazby kauzativní a vazby experienciální: paralely anglického slovesa have se sekundární predikací. In Čermáková A., Chlumská L., Malá M. (Eds.) Jazykové paralely. 2016.
Janebová M. Between Modality and Futurity: Will and Be Going to Seen through Their Czech Translation Equivalents. In Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J. (Eds.) Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Martinková M. Cause and Concern: The Have Construction with the Infinitive Seen through Its Czech Translation Equivalents. Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Martinková M. Introduction. Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Martinková M. O víceznačnosti. Studie k moderní mluvnici češtiny. 4, Dynamika českého lexika a lexikologie. 2013.
Martinková M. Slovo aneb kde (ne)hledat základní jednotku lexikálního plánu. Studie k moderní mluvnici češtiny. 4, Dynamika českého lexika a lexikologie. 2013.
Martinková M. The Have Construction/s: A Pilot Corpus-Based Study. Text as a Dynamic Interplay of Text Parameters. 2012.
Macháček J., Martinková M. The Infinitive and the -ing Form after the Verbs Begin and Start: The Case of Cry. Text as a Dynamic Interplay of Text Parameters. 2012.
Martinková M. Some Notes on Countability in English and Czech. In . (Eds.) Anglica III Linguistica. 2009.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Coming and going in Czech: deictic, or not? 2022.
Janebová M., Martinková M. Czech type nouns: Evidence from corpora. 2018.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Degree adverbs in contrast: the case of quite. 2018.
Janebová M., Martinková M. The Czech Particle prý: Modal, or Evidential? 2017.
Janebová M., Martinková M. NP-Internal Kind of and Sort of. 2016.
Martinková M., Šimon M. Enklitická partikule pak : korpusová studie. 2014.
Martinková M., Macháček J., Janebová M. Translation of wordplay based on ambiguity: The case of Yes, Minister. 2012.
MARTINKOVÁ M. The have construction. 2011.
Rosen A., Nádvorníková O., Martinková M. Mezi jazyky: metody kontrastivního výzkumu s využitím korpusů. 2024.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š., Čakányová M. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2023 (OLINCO 2023). 2023.
Molnár O., Martinková M., Kubánek M. The Role of Corpora in Translator Education. 2022.
Martinková M., Molnár O., Kubánek M. The Role of Corpora in Translator Educations. 2022.
Kudrnáčová N., Martinková M., Böhmerová A. Contrastive Approaches to Lexis and Grammar. 2021.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Veselovská L., Šimáčková Š., Emonds JE. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2021 (OLINCO 2021). 2021.
Kudrnáčová N., Martinková M., Böhmerová A. Lexis in Contrast: Empirical Approaches. 2018.
Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2018 (OLINCO 2018). 2018.
Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2016 (Olinco 2016). 2016.
Veselovská L., Emonds J., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský V., Šimáčková Š. Olinco 2014 - Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. 2014.
Veselovská L., Martinková M., Podlipský V., Janebová M., Šimáčková Š. Olinco 2013 - Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. 2013.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Co vypovídají o prý jeho anglické ekvivalenty. Co vypovídají o prý jeho anglické ekvivalenty. 2013.
Martinková M. I Wish You Would: A Corpus-based Study of Sentences with Wish and their Czech Equivalents. Proceedings of The International Symposium on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. 2010.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Historical Development of English KAA/HANG LS Se 2
Corpus Linguistics 1 KAA/KOR1 ZS Se 2
Corpus Linguistics 1 KAA/KOR1 LS Se 4
Corpus Based Discourse Studies KAA/KOR2 ZS Se 2
Corpus Based Discourse Studies KAA/KOR2 LS Se 2
Lexicology and Stylistics KAA/LESZ ZS 0
Lexicology and Lexicography KAA/LEX1 ZS Se 2
Linguistic Analysis 1 KAA/LIA1 ZS 0
Linguistic Analysis 2 KAA/LIA2 ZS Se 0
Lexical Semantics KAA/SEM1 ZS Se 2
Lexical Semantics KAA/SEM1 LS Se 2
Text Analysis 1 KAA/ANT1 ZS 0
Text Analysis 2 KAA/ANT2 ZS 0
Diploma Seminar KAA/BIS1 ZS Se 2

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