

Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 10


odborný asistent

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Tuesday 09:30–11:30 3.10 and by appointment
Wednesday 11:30–12:30 3.10
Jelínková E. Trauma Narratives of Scottish Childhood in Janice Galloway’s Short Stories. American and British Studies Annual. 2022.
Jelínková E. From Silence to Dialogic Discourse in Selected Short Stories by Ali Smith. Polish Journal of English Studies. 2020.
Jelínková E., Dvořáková Š. The Ambivalent Satirist in Jane Austen´s Northanger Abbey. In Polehlová H. (Eds.) Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. 2019.
Jelínková E. In the Eye of the Storm: The Motif of Silence in A.L.Kennedy´s Early Short Stories. In Kolář S. (Eds.) Ostrava Journal of English Philology. 2017.
Jelínková E. The absent satirist: the strange case of Muriel Spark. American and British Studies Annual. 2017.
Jelínková E. Jane Austen and the Blissful Amnesia in Northanger Abbey. Brno Studies in English. 2008.
Jelínková E. Jane Austenová, autorka v nejlepších letech. Lidové noviny. 2007.
Jelínková E. Literatura jako oxymóron. Tvar. 2006.
Jelínková E. Apoteóza obyčejnosti. Host. 2005.
Jelínková E. Druhý dech skotské prózy. Host. 2005.
Jelínková E. Entrapment as Status Quo in A.L.Kennedy's Fiction. In Bell J., Němčoková K. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice 2015. 2016.
Jelínková E. The Bildungsroman Problem in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbe. In Bell GJ., Nemčoková K. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice 2014: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. 2015.
Jelínková E. The Bildungsromanproblem in Jane Austen´s Northanger Abbey. In Bell G., Němčoková K. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice 2014: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. 2015.
Jelínková E. The Moral Failure of the Mentor-Lover in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility. In Bell JG. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice 2012: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. 2013.
JELÍNKOVÁ E. Eccentricity and Familial Violence in Kate Atkinson´s Fiction. In Podroužková L. (Eds.) Studies in Regional Literature and Culture: Scotland. 2011.
Jelínková E. "You are safe from me": Satirical Targets in Austen´s Pride and Prejudice. In . (Eds.) Theories in Practice: Proceedings of the First international Conference on English and American Studies. 2010.
Jelínková E. Ignorance is Strength: George Orwell Joins Jane Austen for a Walk in Northanger Abbey. Proceedings of the second triennial conference on British, American and Canadian Studies. 2009.
Jelínková E. Fictions of Communion. Literatures in the Globalised World. 2008.
Jelínková E. The Debatable Land of Mind in Caryl Phillips´s Cambridge. Aspects of Postcolonial Literature. 2006.
Jelínková E. The Concept of Evil in "Symposium" and "Not to Disturb". Proceedings from the Eight Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. 2005.
Jelínková E. The Writer´s Predicament in Muriel Spark´s Fiction. Insights into the Dynamics of English Language and Culture: Conference Proceedings. 2005.
Jelínková E., Anténe P., Gregorová M., Horáček J. Scottish Women Writers of Hybrid Identity. 2014.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P., JELÍNKOVÁ E., GREGOROVÁ M., ANTÉNE P., NOVÁK V. Skotská próza v letech 1900-1980. Skotská próza v letech 1900-1980. 2011.
Jelínková E., Flajšarová P., Anténe P., Novák V. Skotská próza v letech 1980-2009. 2010.
Jelínková E. Ambivalence v románech Muriel Sparkové. Ambivalence v románech Muriel Sparkové. 2006.
Jelínková E. Jane Austenová dnes: Prozaický pohled. Relokace v literatuře a filmu. 2014.
Jelínková E. Struktura odborné práce: jak se vyhnout nejčastějším chybám. Metodická příručka projektu Literatura a film bez hranic: Dislokace a relokace v pluralitním prostoru. 2013.
Jelínková E. James Hogg and the "Antisyzygy". Scottish Gothic Fiction. 2012.
Jelínková E. "Small Beginnings": Nineteenth-Century Scottish Gothic. Scottish Gothic Fiction. 2012.
JELÍNKOVÁ E. Skotská literatura na rozcestí. Pluralita kultury: literatura a film v dnešním světě. 2011.
Jelínková E. Looking for a "Room of One's Own" in Margaret Atwood´s Penelopiad. In . (Eds.) Selected Papers in British and American Culture. 2009.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Intrepreting Seminar 9 KAA/IN09 LS Se 2
Scottish Literature 1 KAA/SCL1 ZS Se 2
Scottish Studies 1 KAA/SK01 LS Se 2
British Literature 1800-1900 KAA/BRL1 ZS Se 2
British Literature 1800-1900 KAA/BRL1 LS Se 2
British Literature 1900-1950 KAA/BRL2 ZS Se 2
British Literature 1900-1950 KAA/BRL2 LS Se 2
Contemporary British Literature KAA/BRL4 ZS Se 2
Contemporary British Literature KAA/BRL4 LS Se 2
British Literature up to 1880 KAA/BRL5 LS Se 2
Selected Chapters from British Culture KAA/BS00 ZS Se 2
Cultural Studies 1 KAA/CLZ1 ZS Se 0
Cultural Studies 1 KAA/CLZ1 LS Se 0
Cultural Studies 2 KAA/CLZ2 ZS Se 0
Cultural Studies 2 KAA/CLZ2 LS Se 0

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