Mgr. Markéta JANEBOVÁ, Ph.D.

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Markéta Janebová is Assistant Professor of English at Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. She teaches Pragmatics, Text Linguistics, English Grammar, and English Grammar for Translators. Her research interests include contrastive linguistics, corpus linguistics and pragmatics. She is one of the editors of the OLOMOUC MODERN LANGUAGE SERIES (OMLS) and OLOMOUC MODERN LANGUAGE MONOGRAPHS (OMLM). She also works as a literary editor.

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Janebová M., Martinková M. On similative demonstratives in Czech and English. Evidence from corpora. Languages in Contrast. 2023.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Unique Items and Parallel Corpora: Evidence from Czech. CLINA. 2019.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Wordplay Based on Lexical Ambiguity in the British Sitcom Yes Minister and Its Czech Translations. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2017.
Janebová M. Contraints on the Use of the English Present Perfect. Contraints on the Use of the English Present Perfect. 2006.
Barešová I., Zawiszová H. Creativity and Innovation in Word Formation by Japanese Young People. In Emonds J., Janebová M. (Eds.) Language Use and Linguistic Structure: Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013. 2014.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Macháček J., Selucká I. Ivan Poldauf: Collected Papers. Volume III (English Papers). 2021.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J., Pauková I. Ivan Poldauf: Sebrané spisy. Svazek II (1961–1977). 2018.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Lapshinova-Koltunski E. Contrasting English and Other Languages through Corpora. 2017.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J., Selucká I. Ivan Poldauf: Sebrané spisy. Svazek I (1940–1960). 2016.
Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J. Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Veselovská L., Janebová M. Nominal Structures: All in Complex DPs. 2014.
TÁRNYIKOVÁ J., JANEBOVÁ M. Anglica III Linguistica. Anglica III Linguistica. 2009.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Volker G. Czech type nouns: Evidence from corpora. Type noun constructions in Slavic, Germanic and Romance languages. Semantics and pragmatics on the move. 2023.
Janebová M., Martinková M. NP-Internal Kind of and Sort of: Evidence from an English-Czech Parallel Translation Corpus. In Janebová M., Martinková M., Lapshinova-Koltunski E. (Eds.) Contrasting English and Other Languages through Corpora. 2017.
Martinková M., Janebová M. What English Translation Equivalents Can Reveal about the Czech ‘Modal’ Particle prý: A Cross-Register Study. In Aijmer K., Lewis D. (Eds.) Contrastive Analysis of Discourse-pragmatic Aspects of Linguistic Genres. 2017.
Janebová M. Between Modality and Futurity: Will and Be Going to Seen through Their Czech Translation Equivalents. In Martinková M., Janebová M., Macháček J. (Eds.) Categories and Categorial Changes: The Third Syntactical Plan and Beyond. 2014.
Janebová M. Constraints on the Use of the Present Perfect. Anglica III Linguistica. 2009.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Coming and going in Czech: deictic, or not? 2022.
Janebová M., Martinková M. Czech type nouns: Evidence from corpora. 2018.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Degree adverbs in contrast: the case of quite. 2018.
Janebová M., Martinková M. The Czech Particle prý: Modal, or Evidential? 2017.
Janebová M., Martinková M. NP-Internal Kind of and Sort of. 2016.
Martinková M., Macháček J., Janebová M. Translation of wordplay based on ambiguity: The case of Yes, Minister. 2012.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š., Čakányová M. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2023 (OLINCO 2023). 2023.
Janebová M., Levin M., Ström Herold J., Egan T. Comparing cross-linguistic complexity. 2022.
Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Veselovská L., Šimáčková Š., Emonds JE. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2021 (OLINCO 2021). 2021.
Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2018 (OLINCO 2018). 2018.
Veselovská L., Emonds JE., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský VJ., Šimáčková Š. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2016 (Olinco 2016). 2016.
Veselovská L., Emonds J., Janebová M., Martinková M., Podlipský V., Šimáčková Š. Olinco 2014 - Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. 2014.
Veselovská L., Martinková M., Podlipský V., Janebová M., Šimáčková Š. Olinco 2013 - Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. 2013.
Martinková M., Janebová M. Co vypovídají o prý jeho anglické ekvivalenty. Co vypovídají o prý jeho anglické ekvivalenty. 2013.
Arbeit M., Janebová M., Trušník R. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. In . (Eds.) Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. 2018.
JANEBOVÁ M., ARBEIT M., Trušník R. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. 2011.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Contrastive Grammar for Translators KAA/GRAM ZS Se 2
Introduction to Pragmatics KAA/UPRG ZS Se 4
Introduction to Pragmatics KAA/UPRG LS Se 4
Contrastive Grammar for Translators KAA/GRTZK ZS 0
Contrastive Grammar for Translators 2 KAA/GRT2 ZS Se 2
Contrastive Grammar for Translators 2 KAA/GRT2 LS Se 4
Contrastive Grammar for Translators 3 KAA/GRT3 ZS Se 2
Chapters from Modern American Literature KAA/KAL1 ZS Se 0
Lexicology and Stylistics KAA/LESZ ZS 0
Linguistics KAA/LGVT ZS 0
Diploma Seminar 1 KAA/MIS1 ZS Se 2
Diploma Seminar 1 KAA/MIS1 LS Se 2
Pragmatics KAA/PRAG ZS Se 2
Pragmatics KAA/PRAG LS Se 2
Text Analysis 1 KAA/ANT1 ZS 0
Text Analysis 2 KAA/ANT2 ZS 0
Diploma Seminar KAA/BIS1 ZS Se 2
Diploma Seminar KAA/BIS1 LS Se 2

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